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Sat on the Rocks




My definition of coaching is a person who accelerates your growth and to get from where you are to where you want to be through purposeful conversations and targeted actions. There are many different philosophies and methodologies. And there are great coaches and incompetent ones.

My approach: I avoid giving advice. Instead, I promote the exploration and discovery of my clients’ own wisdom. I don't consult. You know yourself best and are your own life expert. Coaching is not counseling or therapy. Counseling focuses on the past; coaching emphasizes the present and future. Coaching can be healing, but it’s not the goal.  I don't do the work that is required of you. Instead, it's my job to masterfully facilitate your personal growth. 

My coaching is fun, honest and powerful. I keep things simple. I eliminate all the excess information and noise and guide you to your badassery. I'm the real deal. I'm gonna kick your butt, call you out on your b.s. and also be your biggest cheerleader. I will help you create a vision of success, focus on the right things and empower you to take massive action. The result? You will accelerate your success, have a super mindset and empowering beliefs. That's what FRIENDS are for, right?! 


This is an interesting question. Virtually anyone can call themselves a coach. The question I'd ask you is, "What are you looking for in a coach?" The coaches I've worked with and hired are trustworthy, fun, authentic, well-experienced and empathetic. But most importantly, they can get me from where I am to where I want to be, faster. So, if you're looking for a coach with a proven track record of success in his or her professional, personal and academic life and has had a positive impact in the lives of others, look no further - I'm your Coach!

As a Minimalist/Simplicity Coach, I've been a professional declutter/organizer for over 25 years. I've decluttered offices, garages and entire homes.  I've helped transform hundreds of rooms and lives. I even helped one client sleep in her own bed for the first time in over a year after she rid of her physical and emotional clutter! I'm also a former Community Leader for Austin, Texas' Minimalism group.

As a Change Management Coach, I was a military brat and a former military spouse. In the past ten years, I've lived in five states, earned my Master's degree, moved up the career ladder, left a position (boss) as well as a marriage that no longer served me. What I know for sure - regardless of what type of change you experience, you will lose and gain friends.  I'm probably one of the most masterful people I know when it comes to managing change well. I can guide you through your transitions as I have for others.

I'm also a Certified Health Coach. I’ve coached active duty, retired military members and their dependents in active living, healthy eating and tobacco prevention and cessation.

Above all, I care! I've volunteered in recreational therapy in San Diego helping military members regain confidence and strength in the Wounded Warrior Project. I've been a Big to several Littles in the Big Brother, Big Sister Program. I've mentored several individuals in a professional capacity. I've also earned the Extraordinary Coaches Award from Texas Health and Human Services where I coached individuals in career and leadership development.                                                                    

Coaching is an investment in yourself. And with a great coach, it's one of the best investments that you'll make. I'm constantly investing in myself to learn, grow and explore. I've earned my M.S. in Health Education and a B.S. in Public Health. You know what? Great coaches have great coaches. I’ve had great coaches (still do!) and mentors. Ryan Nicodemus, one-half of The Minimalists has mentored me. He’s featured in the #1 indie documentary of 2016, MinimalismA Documentary about the Important Things currently available on Netflix.


Benedict is my last name. And like the term, friends with benefits, it’s catchy and easy to remember, (and thanks, Sarah!).  But unlike friends with benefits, this is not a casual, uncommitted or transactional relationship. I’m not just a friend. I’m going to be your best friend. I'm going to kick your butt and be your biggest cheerleader. And like a great friendship, this is a relationship that requires time, mutual respect, commitment, trust and honesty.

Do you have more questions? Get in touch and I’ll be happy to answer them.


I offer customized coaching. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach. What motivates you may not be to someone else. I tailor the coaching experience to suit your individual needs and personality.

I use several different methodologies and strategies. I created an interdisciplinary methodology that involves discovering your goals and aspirations, assessing your traits, implementing an action plan, evaluating your progress and continuing your growth.

To gain a better understanding of your values, strengths, beliefs, mindset, habits, traits and current situation, I examine your cognitive/emotional, physical, social and spiritual health.


It’s About You

There's no magic program. It’s not about tweets, likes or followers. I customize every session based on your needs and wants. YOU are the focus. YOU are my agenda. 

You'll Get Results

You'll develop goals and work towards them.  The work that you'll have to do may not be easy but if you're committed, I'll guide you to success.

You'll Gain Confidence 

I will ask you to step outside your comfort zone because that’s where growth takes place.  I’ve overcome many of my fears and doubts; no doubt I can help you do the same. 

I’m Trustworthy and Honest

I practice respect, privacy and confidentiality. I provide a fair and unbiased perspective - this can make a BIG difference in your perspective. 

I've Been Through A Lot of Pain

I'm 21 with 22 years' experience...I'm no spring chicken; I've had my fair share of life's pains (and overcoming them). I've been neglected and ignored by people who say they love me.  I've been cheated on. I was in a near-death car accident. I was a depressed and suicidal teen, but my pain and suffering have transformed me. I've learned to take no shit and feel peace. I'm probably one of the happiest, optimistic, resilient and driven people I know.

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